Getting Started


Getting Started
Theatre Sneaking
Stand Up Comics
Inside Jokes

In the Beginning . . .

It started as an idea I had as I was talking to my good friend Brendon on the phone. I was making up some stuff about how I had snuck a lot of food into a theatre. I'm a pathological liar when I can think of something funny to say. But so are most stand up comics. Brendon says reall? and I say No, but wouldn't that be funny. Any way, while Brendon was laughing about this (he tends to laugh at me a lot), I had the idea of turning this into a movie. And he said, that'd be sweet, but we couldn't make a whole movie out of it. Not all about this, but other things, too. Sketch comedy, my friend. Oh, that would be glorious. Glorious is a term me and Brendon reserve for things that are both extremely funny and a result of much effort.

Now, when Chandler (me) gets a glorious plan in mind, he doesn't let go. No sir. Chandler creates. I've often observed that most shmucks won't take on something big like this, no matter the glory of the finished product. So, once again, it's up to me to tackle this monster of wild potentiality. Not knowing what I'm getting into, how I'm going to do it, how far I'll get, or how huge this will become, I make a vow to, someday, somehow, get this film shot. (hopefully with a camera, and not a semi-automatic)


9/2/00-Filmed First Scene, Ask Mr.Chandler #1

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