Getting Started
Theatre Sneaking
Stand Up Comics
Inside Jokes

Welcome to a trip through my process of making a movie!

I'm currently in the process of making a movie.
If every thing works out, it'll be pretty sweet.
I made a webpage to describe the stuff I've been through,
and to share my work with people I don't know.

There is NO PORN on this site! But just wait untill I get a camera.

By the time I'm done with this site, it should have a first
hand description of the process of a guy and his friends
trying to get a movie made. But mainly, this site will
focus on the original scripts I wrote for this movie. I
made this site so you guys can get a kick out of it.

I'll type up the scripts, probably starting with "Theatre
Sneaking". You'll have to understand, my movie doesn't
have a constant plot line, but it is comprised of a
multitude of sketches, most lasting less than 5 minutes.
In these sketches, there are a number of inside jokes.
I'll indicate these words/phrases with *'s. you can look
them up on the page titled "Inside Jokes".

You probably got here from my original site. Click if you want to go back to:

Chandler's Original Site

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